Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
Okay, so that's the non-official motto of the United States Post Office. Please, do not have an inspection performed at night. Guaranteed, things will be missed when it is dark.
You would think the ideal time for an inspection would be on a beautiful, bright blue day, the sun shining down in 65 - 70 degree weather. Not too hot, not too cold. But, we live in Indiana. As the saying goes, stick around an hour and the weather will change. Just this last weekend we had sleet, big fluffy snowflakes and a downpour of rain.
And, it is actually very beneficial to have an inspection performed during rain showers in particular. Inspectors can see if there are active leaks in the attic or basement/crawl. This will allow homeowners a chance to fix any issues before putting the house on the market and potential buyers the opportunity to have issues addressed when making an offer.
Not only will an inspection in a rain shower reveal any leaks in a house, it can also identify standing water in the landscaping which could signify a clogged drain. Also, gutters that don't drain properly may be clogged with leaves and debris creating a waterfall down to the foundation and not away from it. Any water that pools near a foundation can be bad news. Water can whittle away at a foundation, causing the mortar to deteriorate, which leads to leaks. Having gutters that work properly and landscaping that is graded away from the house help keep the foundation stable.
Never fear, if on the day of the inspection the sun is shining and the birds are singing, our inspectors will still be able to note if there is any evidence of water damage in the house. We have our little bag of tricks at all times. A heavy downpour just makes it that much easier to see issues right away.

Alright, now, I'm going to grab a hot mug of tea, a good book and curl up until the sun comes out. See you in April!